Fee Collection

Fees to be collected at the time of Admission (for the session 2020 – 21):-

Admission fees: +2 1st year, Arts, Sc. & Com.

S.No. Fees Arts/Com Science
01 Admission fee 8 8
02 Tution fee  96 96
03 Exam. Fee 30 30
04 Magazine fee 40 40
05 Attendance fee 10 10
06 Sports & Literacy fee 150 150
07 Common Room fee 10 10
08 Calender fee 20 20
09 D.S.A. 10 10
10 Laboratory fee 200
11 Identity Card 50 50
12 Library Development 20 20
13 Junior Red Cross 20 20
14 Time Table 10 10
15 Dramatic Society 10 10
16 Reading Room fee 20 20
17 Furniture Repair fee 40 40
18 C.L.P.(Council) 15 15
19 S.A.F. (Council) 10 10
20 Registration fees 50 50
21 Recognition 50 50
22 Syllabus fees 25 25
23 Academic fee 50 50
24 Development fee 1694 1994
25 Athletic fee 40 40
26 Cultural fee 40 40
27 Construction fee 160 160
28 Co-operative fee 10 10
29 Library Index Card 5 5
30 Medical fee 5 5
31 T.W.F. 5 5
32 Scout fee 12 12
33 NCC fee 10 10
34 NSS fee 10 10
35 Syllabus preparation fees 5 5
35 EMH Fees 150 150
  Grand Total : – 2890 3390

Re-Admission fees: +2 2nd year, Arts, Sc. & Com.

S.No. Fees Arts/Com Science
01 Admission fee 8 8
02 Tution fee  96 96
03 Exam. Fee 20 20
04 Magazine fee 20 20
05 Attendance fee 10 10
06 Sports & Literacy fee 50 50
07 Common Room fee 5 5
08 Calender fee 10 10
09 D.S.A. 5 5
10 Laboratory deposit 50
11 Identity Card
12 Library Development 20 20
13 Junior Red Cross 20 20
14 Time Table 5 5
15 Dramatic Society 5 5
16 Reading Room fee 20 20
17 Furniture Repair fee 39 39
18 C.L.P.(Council) 15 15
19 S.A.F. (Council) 10 10
20 Registration fees 50 50
21 Recognition 50 50
22 Syllabus fees 10 10
23 Academic fee 45 45
24 Development fee 1520 1670
25 Athletic fee 30 30
26 Cultural fee 30 30
27 Construction fee 100 100
28 Co-operative fee 10 10
29 Library Index Card    
30 Medical fee 5 5
31 T.W.F. 5 5
32 Scout fee 12 12
33 NCC fee 10 10
34 NSS fee 10 10
34 Accreditation fee
  Grand Total : – 2245 2445

Admission fees: +3 1st year Arts & Science

S.No. Fees Arts (H) Science (H)
01 Admission fee 9 9
02 Tution fee  108 108
03 Exam. Fee 40 40
04 Magazine fee 50 50
05 Hons Admission fee 600 600
06 Sports & Literacy fee 80 80
07 Common Room fee 10 10
08 Calender fee 20 20
09 D.S.A. 10 10
10 Laboratory deposit 350
11 Identity Card 50 50
12 Library Development 40 40
13 Junior Red Cross 20 20
14 Time Table 10 10
15 Dramatic Society 10 10
16 Reading Room fee    
17 Furniture Repair fee 40 40
18 S.A.F. (University) 10 10
19 Registration fees 50 50
20 Recognition 10 10
21 Syllabus fees 25 25
22 Academic fee 10 10
23 Development fee 2078 2468
24 Athletic fee 50 30
25 Union fee 50 30
26 Construction fee 246 246
27 Co-operative fee 12 12
28 Library Index Card 10 10
29 Medical fee 5 5
30 T.W.F. 5 5
31 Scout fee 12 12
32 NCC fee 10 10
33 NSS fee 10 10
34 Accreditation fee 50 50
35 C.D.C. Fee 10 10
  Grand Total : –  3750 4450

Re-admission fees: +3 2nd and 3rd year Arts & Science

Re-Admission fees  +3 2nd yr +3 3rd yr
Session ->   2020-21   2020-21   2020-21   2020-21
S.No. Fees Arts (H) Science (H) Arts  (H) Science (H)
01 Admission fee 9 10 9 10
02 Tution fee  108 120 108 120
03 Exam. Fee 50 50 50 50
04 Magazine fee 30 30 30 30
05 Seminar fee (for Hons) 200 200 200 200
06 Sports & Literacy fee 45 45 45 45
07 Common Room fee 5 5 5 5
08 Calender fee 20 20 20 20
09 D.S.A. 5 5 5 5
10 Laboratory deposit 0 187 0 187
11 Identity Card        
12 Library Development 35 35 35 35
13 Junior Red Cross 20 20 20 20
14 Time Table 5 5 5 5
15 Dramatic Society 10 10 10 10
16 Reading Room fee        
17 Furniture Repair fee 40 40 100 100
18 S.A.F. (University) 10 10 10 10
19 Registration fees 40 40 40 40
20 Recognition 10 10 10 10
21 Syllabus fees        
22 Academic fee        
23 Development fee 1474 1474 1474 1474
24 Athletic fee 30 30 30 30
25 Union fee 50 50 50 50
26 Construction fee 200 200 200 200
27 Co-operative fee 12 12 12 12
28 C.D.C. Fee 10 10 10 10
29 Medical fee 5 5 5 5
30 T.W.F. 5 5 5 5
31 Scout fee 12 12 12 12
32 NCC fee 10 10 10 10
33 Accreditation fee 50 50 90 90
  Grand Total : –  2500 2700 2600 2800