Library Rules


  1. A Student on the rolls of the Mahavidyalaya automatically becomes a member of the Mahavidyalaya Library. When a student’s name is struck off the Mahavidyalaya he ceases to be a member.
  2. Members of the teaching staff and all other employees serving in the Mahavidyalaya are also members of the Library


  1. No books should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the Librarian and Library until it has been properly entered in the Register and the entry is attested by the borrower
  2. Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued , otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later the responsibility will lie with the borrower.
  3. Books should be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
  4. When the date for return of books fails due on an authorized holiday, it should be returned to the Librarian the day the Mahavidyalaya opens after the holiday.
  5. All books belonging to the Library in the possession of borrowers should be returned to the library before the Mahavidyalaya closes for a long vacation and on or before the date notified for the purpose.
  6. Whenever might have a Library book in his possession should return it to the Library whenever he receives a requisition form the Library.
  7. Books taken out of the Library must be returned to the Librarian.
  8. No marginal or other notes or marking shall be made in the library books, nor shall any picture or page be removed, torn or otherwise disfigured. In such case the borrower may be asked to replace the book damaged by him. If replacement is not possible he will have to pay thrice the cost of the book or present market price.
  9. A borrower against whom any over due or other changes are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library and shall not be allowed to withdraw deposit until the Library dues are cleared.
  10. if any borrower keeps Library book in his or her possession for more than the time allowed for the purpose, no more books will be issued to him/her until the books concerned are restored to the Library with the appropriate fine, In extreme cases the privilege of using the Library may be denied to such borrower.
  11. All those, who may happen to be inside the Library or in its neighborhood, are expected to observe strict silence.
  12. The Library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting the books and periodicals of the Library.
  13. Spitting, smoking, sleeping inside the library and putting one’s legs on furniture are strictly forbidden.
  14. The following is the lists showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to the various classes of borrowers.
    • Teaching Staff – 25 each
    • Librarian – 10 books
    • Class III officers – 10 books
    • Class IV – 5 each
    • Students:
      1. +3 (Hons) Class – 4 each
      2. +3 (Pass) Class – 2 each
      3. +2 class – 2 each
  15. A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to him only when no body else to take books before reissue shall be presented in the circulation counter for necessary entry in the register.
    • Maps, calendars, courses of studies, questionnaires, university question papers, other university documents and rare books shall not be issued for use outside Library.
    • Prescribed text-books shall be issued only to lecturers teaching the concerned subjects and not to students.
  16. Member of the teaching staff and other employees of the Mahavidyalaya may take books from the Library on signing in the Loan Register. Students must take out books on cards which will be given to them after they are admitted to the college
  17. The time allowed to borrowers excepting the members of the staff and those specially permitted by the Principal is 14 days and one month in the case of members of the staff when the borrow books on subjects other than their own.
  18. In the case of those students who do not return library books within the time allowed a fine of 20 paise per day per book will be charged for each day of delay. Suitable action will be taken against them after one month. Application for reduction or exemption of fine will not be entertained. The Librarian shall send on the 7th of every month a fine list of previous month along with a statement showing the names of students in whose case the fine could be more than two rupees.
  19. A student who wants to take books from the Library should present his card along with the list of books he wishes to borrow in order of preference to the library during the specified hours. He should always present his card whenever he wants either to borrow or to return books. If on returning a book he wishes to take other books he must return the book and the card.
  20. No student will be allowed to keep library books with him during the summer vacation.
  21. If a student loses his card , another card will be issued to him on application and on payment of Rs. 15/-. He is also to give a photograph for the same.
  22. All the books should be returned before the stock verification books will be issued after the stock verification to the members of the staff.
  23. If a volume of a series is lost, borrower shall have to replace the volume or he shall have to pay the cost of the entire series at the market price.
  24. If a periodical is lost, the borrower has to replace the copy.
  25. Usual working time of the Mahavidyalaya Library is subject to modification from time to time will appear on the notice board.
  26. Unauthorized persons forcing their way into the library will be turned out of the library by the library staff. Only members of the teaching staff access to the shelves with permission from the library staff.
  27. A borrower against whom any over due or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to take his or her admit card for the University Examination or transfer certificate until the Library dues are cleared.
  28. If a book is found to be torn or seriously damaged at the time of return it has to be replaced , otherwise he/she has to repay the cost of the books as per rules.
  29. When a member of the staff is transferred from the college, he shall return all books/periodicals borrowed by him from library and seminar library (section) and obtain a clearance certificate from the librarian and head of the department concerned before handing over charge.
  30. Although ordinarily there is no restriction on the issue of library books, the Principal has the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers.
  31. Any students who want to take books from the library should deposit the library card at the time of issue and return. Students are required to produce their identity cards at the time of receiving of books from the library.