Athletic Society

  1. The society shall consist of all members of the staff and the students with the Principal as Ex-officio President.
  2. The Executive committee of K.A. Mahavidyalaya Athletic Society shall be called K.A. Mahavidyalaya Athletic Society.
    • The Principal-President(Ex-officio)
    • The Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
    • Associate Vice-President to be nominated by the principal for all organized games.
    • The Physical Education teacher.
    • Three class Representative from each of the classes to be elected as per rules.
    • Captains of all organized games.

N.B. –In the absence of any captain , the Vice-captain selected by competent committee shall attend the meeting and will discharge the function of the captain.

 Selection of Captains and Vice-captains:

The following members constitute the committee for selection of captains and vice-captains and vice-captains of various games and sports.

  • Vice-President, Athletic Club
  • Professor in-charge of games of sports concerned (nominated by the Principal)
  • Physical Education Teacher, the Captain must be a playing member (preferably a senior player) of the college team and the vice-captain must be a playing member of the team.

 Selection of college Team

The following members constitute a committee for selection of players for various colleges teams.

  1. Vice-president Athletic –Athletic Club
  2. Professor in-charge of game of sport concerned
  3. Physical Education Teacher
  4. Two members of the teaching staff, having expertise in the concerned game or sports.
  5. Captain of the concerned game or sports

 Tenure of office

The society’s tenure of office shall be for one academic session only that is from the date of oath taking after the election to the last working day of the college before summer vacation or 31st May whichever is earlier.

 Annual General Body Meeting

There shall be an Annual General Body Meeting of the society, the date of which will be fixed by the Principal. In this meeting the Secretary will present his Annual report and a statement of account for the academic year under review will be presented by the vice-president. Amendments to the rules of the society if any will be considered at the meeting . Resolution of the amendments will be forwarded to the Principal for his consideration.

 Function of the society

  • To consider the budget prepared by subcommittee consisting of the Vice-president, professors in charge of different games and sports, the physical educational Teachers, the Secretary and the captains.
  • General Management of the Society.
  • Promotion of games and athletics among students.

 Limitation of the power of the society

The Principal can veto any resolution passed by the society. He can enforce a new rule of amend and old one by virtue of his discretionary powers

 The Vice-President

  • He will be in-charge of the account and all correspondences, in this connection, including the purchase of sports articles and other equipment.
  • He will be the general Superintendent of game and Sports

 The Secretary

  • He will be the convener of all general and sub-committee meetings, subject to the approval of the vice-President.
  • He will prepare the Annual Report and may present the same after obtaining the approval of the president.
  • He will organize the college games and sports with the assistance of the Assistant Secretary. Captains and Vice-captains and on the advice of the physical education teacher and direction of the vice-president.